Megan Sullivan

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Megan has a strong background in marketing, with specialties in content creation, social media, influencer media, branding, consumer marketing, and brand partnerships.
Megan was a very early contributor to The Local Moms Network, a hyper-local platform that was founded to deliver hyper-local resources and community connections to moms in suburbs across the country. 

Megan spent 10 years in New York City working in finance with a focus on hedge fund capital raising. After leaving the city and moving to the suburbs Megan is a perfect fit for families looking to learn more about suburban life. Megan knows all about hard work and teamwork, having played Division I women's soccer at Indiana University. She is a workout enthusiast and plays on the Riverside Yacht Club Tennis Team.
Megan is also a graduate of The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and has a Health & Wellness website;
Megan lives in Greenwich, CT with her husband (who is a Greenwich native), has four kids, one girl (Scout) and three young boys (Teddy, Thomas, and William), and a dog named Henry.

Radhika Maheshwari